Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe page, if you're looking for Steamed coffee pudding recipe, look no further! We provide you only the best Steamed coffee pudding recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.
Before you jump to Steamed coffee pudding recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Apples Can Certainly Have Enormous Benefits To Improve Your Health.
More than likely you have heard that you should be eating an apple a day but did you ever ask yourself why this is actually important? You may know people that live by this and also request that their children live by this rule as well. This thought is known all over the world and people just take it as fact without knowing if this is actually true. In this post we are going to be looking at apples to see if they really are a food that will help to keep you healthy.
Cornell University had a study on the effect apples have on your brain. While carrying out their study they learned that, quercetin, which is found in apples helps maintain healthier brain cells. Meaning by eating apples you can reduce the risk of getting Alzheimer’s.
And now you know why men and women tell you that you ought to eat an apple every day. The advantages we covered are only a handful of of the benefits that eating apples can offer. In the event you look and ask around, you will come to see that the benefits can seem to be limitless. I hope that the the very next time you go to the supermarket you wind up getting plenty of apples. You will see that your overall health may significantly be benefited by consuming apples.
We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to steamed coffee pudding recipe. You can have steamed coffee pudding using 8 ingredients and 19 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
The ingredients needed to cook Steamed coffee pudding:
- Prepare 3 eggs
- Take 1 tsp coffee powder
- Use 1/2 cup sugar
- Use 1 1/2 cup milk
- Prepare 1 tsp vanilla essence
- You need 6 Marie biscuit
- You need 3 oreo biscuit
- Provide 1/4 tsp Yellow food colour
Instructions to make Steamed coffee pudding:
- First you have to collect all the ingredients.
- Pour milk in a pan
- Add egg in milk.
- Then add sugar.
- Then add coffee.
- Then add vanilla essence.
- Then add yellow food colour.
- Grind marie then add this powder in milk mixture.
- Beat all ingredients.
1. Pour all the mixture in yr mold.
- Fill another pan with water (be careful that water level should be below your mold).
- Place stand in yr pan which is filled with water.
- Place yr mold filled with pudding mixture on the stand & cover it with lid
- Then also cover yr water filled pan with lid & cook it on a low flame.
- After 30-45 min check yr pudding with knife if the knife comes out clean (means no better or mixture stick on knife) so your pudding is ready.
- Take out your pudding (be careful at a time of taking out it must be hot) & then separate edges with knife.
- Dish out your pudding.
- Grind oreo biscuits & sprinkle oreo biscuit powder over your pudding.
- Now it's up to you either you want to eat hot or cold, if you like cold pudding let it cool down at room temperature then put it in fridge for 2 hr yr pudding is ready to eat.
If you find this Steamed coffee pudding recipe useful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.